Motivating students to be interested in education in general and science & technology in particular.
Developing a Jamaica College Robotics program and facilitating JC's entry into the US FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETITION in 2010 and annually thereafter.
FIRST works closely with research and academic organizations to provide tangible evidence of our impact on students’ education and career choices.
Brandeis University Study -- FIRST Robotics Competition
Recently, Brandeis University’s Center for Youth and Communities conducted an independent, retrospective survey of FIRST Robotics Competition participants and compared results to a group of non-FIRST
students with similar backgrounds and academic experiences, including
math and science.
Highlights of the study’s findings include:
When compared with the comparison group, FIRST students are:
- More than 3 times as likely to major specifically in engineering.
- Roughly 10 times as likely to have had an apprenticeship, internship, or co-op job in their freshman year.
- Significantly more likely to expect to achieve a post graduate degree.
- More than twice as likely to expect to pursue a career in science and technology.
- Nearly 4 times as likely to expect to pursue a career specifically in engineering.
- More than twice as likely to volunteer in their communities.
Clearly such outcomes would have a positive impact on JC science education

"To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes."
Dean Kamen, Founder
FIRST Mission
Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.
Competition March 2011 Jacob Javits Convention Center - NYC
* JC designates a suitable room to host a Robotics Laboratory...minimum 200 sq. ft. JC appoints a Robotics Program Coordinator to oversee the project -- DONE
*JCOBA develops project proposal for US grant & corporate funding of the Lab - works with JCOBA-Kingston on local corporate support -- DONE
* Early 2011- Lab established & outfitted with computers, internet & required robot design facilities & basic raw material for robot construction -- DONE
*Develop partnerships with Engineering Faculty at UTECH & engineering firms or individual engineers for required tech support - The project may require some metal fabrication facility access -- DONE & ONGOING
* JCOBA-NY arranges entry of JC team into the FIRST TECH CHALLENGE (FTC) March 2010 in NYC
The FIRST TECH CHALLENGE is the mid-level Robotics competition -- DONE & ONGOING
* With successful execution of the FIRST TECH CHALLENGE (FTC) competition- targets the future entry into the FIRST ROBOTICS COMPETITION (FRC) - the annual top level competition. -- PLANNED FOR 2013
* With agreement of JC - integrate lessons from Robotics applied science in school.... LEGO training & demo kits to be provided by JCOBA-NY for this purpose -- UNDER STUDY
* Inspire & serve as a resource for other Jamaican schools to adopt DIGITAL YARD Robotics as a driver of science education and develop a Jamaican HS Robotics Program -- IN PROCESS
* Spread the word about this exciting program wherever you can....be an advocate
* Give generously! .... any amount is acceptable
* Please consider the Robotics Project for corporate support from your employer or any corporation you know that may be willing
* In kind donations are also accepted...computers, software, integrated circuit boards, controllers etc.
* If you are an engineer...software, mechanical, electrical or electronic especially..consider joining our project advisory team
The Jamaica College Old Boys Association of New York, Inc requests your generous support of our Robotics Program. JCOBA-NY is a New York State registered (1992) tax exempt charity under Section 501 (c) 3 of the IRS tax code. Donations are to a very worthy cause and are tax deductible.
Thanks for your support!
High School of Computers & Technology - JC Mentor School - Robotics Page
LINK TO JC ROBOTICS TEAM PAGE - For official use only. Page is password protected
Georgia Rudolph - Jamaica College Robotics Coordinator
Tel: 876.409.7157 Email: GRudolph@jc.edu.jm
JCOBANY Inc. Robotics Project Team
Don Jones Tel: 516.524.0671 Email: JamaicaCollegeOnline@yahoo.com
Dr. David Levermore - Technical Coordinator Email: leverd@gmail.com